
Our favorite recent (2016-2019) major projects we`ve 

Service over-the-counter P2P trading of local currency for bitcoin and Ethereum. Developed from scratch. Includes escrow mechanizm, KYC system, chat, 2FA through Twilio and many other features. Integrated with Ethereum cloud node Infura and bitcoin node.

Techstack: Kotlin, Google Guice, Rios.js, Typescript, PostgreSQL

Airdrop aggregator and decentralized trading platform that lets you trade Ether and Ethereum-based tokens directly with other users

Techstack: React, Solidity, Python, PostgreSQL, nCMS

Stegos blockchain desktop wallet

Cross-platform wallet with blockhain node written in Rust inside. Works under Mac OSX, Linux, Windows

Techstack: Electron, React, Node, ES6, neDB

EJDB2 Embeddable JSON Database engine

EJDB2 is an embeddable JSON database engine published under MIT license.

The Story of the IT-depression, birds and EJDB 2.0

  • C11 API
  • Single file database
  • Online backups support
  • 500K library size for Android
  • iOS / Android / React Native / Flutter integration
  • Simple but powerful query language (JQL) as well as support of the following standards:
    • rfc6902 JSON Patch
    • rfc7386 JSON Merge patch
    • rfc6901 JSON Path
  • Powered by - The persistent key/value storage engine
  • Provides HTTP REST/Websockets network endpoints with help of
  • JSON documents are stored in using fast and compact binn binary format

Techstack: C11, Java, Dart

AFi cards

Virtual bank for Ghana. The mobile app with options to issue virtual cards and sending money developed from scratch for Android and IOS. Integrated with mobile money services (Vodaphone cash, MTN Mobile money, etc), Visa/Mastercard, wire transfers. The app includes 2FA through text messages, KYC verification procedure, contact list, QR code generations/reading etc

Project web-site

Techstack: React Native, Kotlin, Google guice, PostgreSQL.

The C11 key/value database engine

IOWOW - The C11 persistent key/value storage based on skip list data structure

Techstack: C11, CMake

nCMS - The scalable content management system

Full featured CMS with rich multimedia capabilities for large user group. Used by highly loaded university website and by a few commercial projects.

Techstack: Java, Google Guice, Apache Solr, QooXDoo, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, MyBatis